Sitekit provides patient engagement tools that go beyond traditional Personal Health Records (PHRs) enabling patients and clinicians to work together to improve or maintain health.

Nhs Records On The Go

Sitekit understand the importance of truly empowering patients in their own health, care and treatment including the bi-directional flow of data between patient and clinician. The benefits of actively engaging patients in their care in this way can be felt throughout preventative and curative healthcare alike. 

Collaborative personal health records facilitate the ongoing communication between people and the professionals working with them providing a safe, secure, fast conduit for the transfer of data and information in either direction. 

Child Health Records

  • Sitekit’s personal child health records means parents always have their child’s health information with them.
  • Providing relevant, trusted guidance on child health and development allows parents to keep their child healthy.
  • Being able to share records with co-parents, carers and health professionals encourages collaboration.

Adult Health Records

Managing patients while on waiting lists, losing momentum with patients leading to greater future clinical need or wanting to support transformation towards remote approaches?

Having a personal health records encourage health ownership for individuals.

Collaborative personal health records facilitate the ongoing communication between people and the professionals working with them saving time, effort and money.

Conditions which allow for elements of self-management make a personal health record invaluable. This, in turn, reduces pressure on strained health services.



Specialised eRedbook functionality developed for SSAFA makes it easier for parents and their children as they are posted abroad and provides a digital service to aid SSAFA in the delivery of health visiting services to these families.

Read more about how we did it