The core approach was centered around the development and implementation of the NHS Digital Staff Passport, with a strong focus on decentralised identity, privacy, and trust.  The key components of the approach included:

  • Decentralised Identity: - The project employed a decentralised identity framework, empowering DiTs to have control over their data and privacy, allowing them to decide who accesses their information. 
  • Verifiable Credentials: Verifiable credentials were utilised to establish trust, ensuring that identity checks, skills, competencies, and occupational health checks could be easily shared and verified across NHS Employers
  • Addressing Interoperability Challenges: Interoperability was a significant challenge.  The solution adopted a decentralised approach, allowing each employer to issue credentials to employees and request proof of credentials held by employees, reducing technical dependencies and improving privacy and trust.


Several challenges had to be overcome during the implementation of the NHS Digital Staff Passport which included:

  • Interoperability: Interoperability challenges, both technical and related to standardisation, were complex. It required a unique approach to ensure seamless data sharing and trust between NHS employers.
  • Data Privacy: Ensuring that DiTs had control over their data while still allowing it to be shared securely was a delicate balance to strike.
  • Compliance: The project had to navigate the complex legal and governance challenges associated with sharing sensitive employee data, especially special category data, while adhering to NHS and data protection regulations.


The implementation of the NHS Digital Staff Passport yielded several significant results:

  • Enhanced Trust: DiTs now have control over their identity and can share only the information necessary, enhancing trust among NHS employers without compromising privacy.
  • Interoperability: The solution facilitated seamless interoperability between NHS organisations, eliminating the need for repetitive data entry and document verification, thereby saving time and reducing administrative burdens.
  • Privacy and Data Control: DiTs now have complete ownership of their data, choosing when and how to share their verifiable credentials, providing them with greater control over their professional journey.
  • Streamlined Temporary Staff Movement: The project extended its capabilities to address the issue of temporary staff movement, making it more efficient and providing a verified record of identity and employment, aligning with the NHS’s goal of enabling easier staff mobility.


The NHS Digital Staff Passport represents a groundbreaking shift in workforce mobility and trust within the NHS. By leveraging decentralised identity and verifiable credentials, Sitekit has not only simplified the onboarding process for Doctors in Training but has also set new standards for workforce mobility and data control in the healthcare ecosystem.

This innovative approach aligns seamlessly with key NHS policies and opens the door to broader applications within healthcare. The project serves as a testament to Sitekit’s commitment to innovation and excellence in digital healthcare solutions, enhancing the experience of Doctors in Training and contributing to the overall improvement of healthcare practices within the NHS.


PASA - Rapid provisioning of access for new starters: a business case

The Provisioning and Systems Access business case developed by Sitekit for Blackpool Teaching Hospital and NHSX (now NHS England) demonstrated potential for 350% ROI over 5 years and enabled the commissioning of the next steps.

NHS PASA - Provisioning & Systems Access